The 6 Different Types of Magento Products

The following diagram will help you to decide what products are the best for your Online Magento shop.




The six different type of products in Magento:

  1. Simple Product
  2. Configurable Product
  3. Grouped Product
  4. Virtual Product
  5. Downloadable Product
  6. Bundle Product


Q: What is simple product?

> Simple product is a “standalone” item, which does not provide any selection option to the end user.

> Simple products are being defined by its SKU and inventory level.

> For example you are selling a 50 mm Canon camera-lens. It’s simple product.





Q: What is Configurable Product?

> T shirt that comes in 3 colours {red(S,M,L),white(S,M,L) and blue(S,M,L)} and 3 sizes {small(S),medium(M), large(L)} is a configurable product.

Configurable product is made up of other simple products

> In Magento, you would set up each of these options, above, as a simple product. You can set inventory levels for each simple product, as well as different images.

> Then, you make a configurable product that ties them all together, and gives the end user the choice, usually from a drop-down menu like below:

> Size : ( small, medium, large)

Colour: (red, white, blue)

> If the inventory level of the come to end, blue t-shirt is out of stock, then that option isn’t available (depending on your settings).


Q: What is grouped product?

> The name itself suggests that it is group of simple product.

> For example, let us say you are selling, the Canon camera lens + a memory card + a camera. Each of those products would be simple products;



Q: What is bundled product?

> A grouped product doesn’t give the end user any choices. Buy all 3 items together for a special price.

In the Canon camera + memory card and Canon-lens example above, these 3 simple products are “grouped” together.

> A bundled product allows you to build a product using your choices.

> For example, a bundled product might give you following options:

– Camera Body (Rs.5000)

– Camera Lens.

 Choose from:

No lens (Rs.0),

a basic lens (Rs. +2000),

a professional lens (Rs. +3000)

– Memory Card.

Choose from:

No memory card (Rs.0),

a 8 GB card (Rs. +200),

a 16 GB card (Rs. +320),

a 32 GB card (Rs. +520),

a 64 GB card (Rs. +720).

> The final cost of the purchase will then depend on what the end user selects as options.

> A bundled or group product is very tricky to build via a data import from admin. Typically, you’d want to bulk import the simple products, and then build the bundled or group products through the admin tool.




Q: What is virtual product?

> A virtual product’s is not something that you download. It is designed to be a service that you offer.

> A virtual product is really a specialized type of simple product.

> For example, someone could place an order for our 5000rs Magento Code Audit. It’s a service that we provide.

They place an order, and then we email or call them to complete the sale, because it requires SFTP access to their site.



Q: What is downloadable product?

> The name itself suggests that it is downloadable product. Think about eBook, a song (music) file, or a piece of (software) that you sell.

> A downloadable product does not allow you for selecting a shipping method option at one page checkout simply because there’s nothing to ship.

> You can upload the files to your server and then set the specific pice and other information. Magento then generates a secure, encrypted link that is personalized to each person making a purchase once a payment is successful.


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Wasim Sayyad

Wasim holds 3+ years of experience in web Design and Development using PHP, MySQL, Magento and WordPress etc. Expertise in Magento 1 & Magento 2, Module development & theme customization.

Wasim Sayyad

About Wasim Sayyad

Wasim holds 3+ years of experience in web Design and Development using PHP, MySQL, Magento and WordPress etc. Expertise in Magento 1 & Magento 2, Module development & theme customization.