CMS: WordPress Evolution


What is WordPress?

It was launched by creator Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little in 2003, while it may have started as a blogging platform, WordPress is one of the largest and most widely used open source CMS platforms today. In addition, open source software is constantly being enhanced by a community of contributors.

People often make the mistake of classifying WordPress as just a blogging platform.


WordPress can be used in many different ways:

1] Arcade

2] Blog

3] Content Management System (CMS)

4] Gallery

5] Portfolio

6] Rating Website

7] Shopping Store or E-Commerce

8] Video Collection Site

9] Membership Site

10] Multisite

11] Forum , Social sharing Network Sites (Buddypress,BBpress) and many more.




1] Save Money:

WordPress is free open source software.

2] Easy To Use :

The platform is user-friendly, intuitive and easy to learn. In fact, you can learn how to use WordPress in a matter of minutes.

3] Mobile Friendly :

It’s more important than ever for a website to be mobile friendly to accommodate Smartphones and Tablets,Iphone etc. It’s already mobile friendly.






4]  Hosts Multimedia :

The addition of images, video or audio files is a great way to enhance the experience of end users. Thankfully, WordPress makes it easy for you to insert multimedia files into a page or post easily. Not only is it easy for technical person as well as non technical person to upload multimedia files.

5] Search Engine Friendly :

WordPress out of the box is an best platform for SEO. Keywords, automatic generation of sitemaps, page keyword analysis, rss feeds, social integration.

The most popular search engines prefer sites that are powered by WordPress because it  is easy to crawl.

6] Safe And Secure :

WordPress takes the security of its users very seriously. While most of the security issues that arise with WordPress are because of lack of coding standared of the developed plugins and not practicing good security protocols. In fact, WordPress has an automatic update feature ever since the release of version 3.7.

WordPress has proven itself not only powerful blogging platform in fact, that’s why the NFL, CNN, TechCrunch, and TED publish content on WordPress. WordPress is  reliable and trusted tool that’s supported with  different plugins, themes, and Customiztion features to make the experience even better to end user.

Now days WordPress get evolution and introduced Wp-rest API for Woo commerce and move to one Step towards mobile App World using Apppresser like plugin.

Now Virtual Reality i.e VR is coming to We can create and publish our own VR content on any web site,  First step starting with 360° photos and 360° videos (beta), and we can  easily view regular photos and panoramas in VR.  This is nothing but the wordpress create big evolution in CMS world. It is to make publishing VR content as like as publishing text or photos to the web.


Thanks, Stay connected for more blogs and updates!



Sumanta Relkar

Sumanta is well skilled and holding experience of 2.5+ years in Wordpress | Joomla | Unity | Phonegap | Basic Magento | PHP | Html | Css | Javascript & SEO

Sumanta Relkar

About Sumanta Relkar

Sumanta is well skilled and holding experience of 2.5+ years in Wordpress | Joomla | Unity | Phonegap | Basic Magento | PHP | Html | Css | Javascript & SEO