SEO Friendly Web Design
The design of a website is one of the promising key success factors which not only affect the user experience or user-friendliness of the site, but also the SEO campaigns. Implementation of SEO while designing of website is nothing but implementing search engine standards that also target on the best possible user experience as well as user interaction.
There are so many factors of a website which affects on the SEO of the site such as Html tags, Content, user Friendliness.
1) Why HTML Structure is necessary for SEO
Search Engine ranking is not affected by the quality of your code, still some HTML tags are very helpful to improve your website’s usability and SEO. It is a fact that some elements of HTML can have ever-lasting effects on SEO activity; so that Search Engine bot gives unique importance to some HTML elements Such as:
Head Section:
Head Section of HTML contains very useful tags in SEO point of View. Following are some tag which can help you in on-page SEO. We can use SEO friendly content in those tags during designing or development of the site
1) Title Tag
2) meta description
3) rel=”canonical”
4) <a href=”..”></a>
5) Meta keyword
Above are some elements which are a compulsorily used element for SEO in the head tag of the HTML code. Now a day there which are used for SEO e.g. Yoast SEO Plug-in.
2) Content:
Along with the HTML structure of the website, the most important part of website development is the content on the site. It is very important that the content of that website should be optimized according to the search engine. Content on the site should be SEO friendly because of its effects on the placement of the site on search engine. Following are some points related to SEO friendly content writing:
1) The content should be short, informative and to the point
2) Select effective keyword and use it in the content
3) Optimize effective Images and add it in the content with the proper alt attribute.
4) Add video to get the attention of users.
5) Do more use of links in the content for redirecting a user to the site.
6) Make SEO friendly URL’s, Titles and Meta descriptions.
7) Do use of internal and external linking in the content.
8) Integrate social Media on the site.
3) Accessible Design of Website
The User interface of the website should be simple but interactive. The look and feel of a site must engage the user for a long time. The website should be accessible, that means the website should be compatible with all browser and all the devices. It must look as it is, otherwise there are huge chances of existing visitors from the site without purchasing anything or using any service. It will increase bounce rate and affects the ranking of the site on search engine.
One more thing for which we must pay attention to design and development of the website is the navigation. The website should have easy navigation. Navigations and menus should be useful and easy to User as well as a search engine to get the direction where they need to go on the site. If navigations are confusing then it will become difficult to search engine, to figure out how to navigate your site. Again it will be problematic for ranking.
Also, the loading time of website affects on the traffic coming to the site. If your site is taking a long time to load that time user can leave the site and search for something else. In this case, avoid using heavy images; try to reduce page loading time of the site. If you are going to use flash elements on your site, then it will be more difficult for search engines to rank your website because flash often ignored by the search engines.
There are many more coding tricks are available to make awesome things happens on the site, Just like CSS, JavaScript, jquery. website.
Above are very basic points which could be useful in design and development of the website. If you take care of such points during the development then there is no need to give extra efforts and time to make these basic changes again in the SEO Process.